Registration for the 2022 National Healthcare Leadership Survey is now open.
Register by May 13, 2022, to participate.
For the past 8 years, prestigious healthcare organizations from across the country have participated in the survey and the top achievers have been acknowledged with a Best Organizations for Leadership Development (BOLD) award for their dedication and work.
Now is the time to REGISTER your organization for participation in the 2022 National Healthcare Leadership survey. The survey is open to all healthcare organizations and there is no cost to participate.
What is the National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL)?
NCHL is widely recognized as the premier source for evidence-based healthcare leadership practices, cultivating communities for peer collaboration across organizations, and collectively developing industry models and benchmarks to improve healthcare. NCHL champions three premier membership programs: the Leadership Excellence Networks (LENS) program, the US Cooperative for International Patients (USCIPP) program, and the National Council for Administrative Fellowships (NCAF)program. Each of these programs supports its members through collaboration, education, and research to help them achieve their business goals as they pursue excellence and solutions.
Purpose of the survey and why your participation is critical:
The goal of the NCHL’s National Healthcare Leadership Survey is to enable hospitals and healthcare systems to compare their leadership development efforts with evidence‐based best practices, benchmark their leadership practices in twelve different leadership dimensions, and monitor improvements over time. The survey also enables NCHL to evaluate the rate of adoption of evidence-based leadership best practices in the field and to study the relationship of adoption of specific leadership practices to organizational performance. The results of this survey culminate in the Best Organizations for Leadership Development (BOLD) award at the NCHL All-Member Conference in November 2022.
Why should your organization participate in the survey?
By completing the survey, participating organizations are able to compare their approaches to leadership development to evidence-based practice as well as other health systems using the customized scorecard generated from survey responses.
The survey is designed to help your health systems strengthen its capacity to develop your leaders so they are best prepared to help fulfill your organization’s mission. The survey is revised every two years to continuously reflect the most current state-of-the-science in leadership development best practices. Recent peer-reviewed research using the scorecard has validated the impact of these practices on numerous organizational outcomes, including significant associations with hospital operating margins as well as patient experience (HCAHPS) scores.
How can my organization participate?
The survey will launch on June 1, 2022. Organizations must REGISTER by May 13, 2022 in order to receive a unique survey link in order to participate. Organizations will only receive one unique link, sent to one primary contact. Please assure only one primary contact for your organization uses this registration form. The survey link for your organization, however, may be shared internally with your colleagues for ease of completing the survey.
What can I expect after registering?
By filling out the registration form you are confirming that your organization would like to participate in the 2022 survey. After filling out this form you can expect to receive a personalized link the first week of June 2022 to participate in the National Healthcare Leadership Survey. Prior to the launch of the survey, you will also receive additional communications on how best to prepare for the survey completion and what to expect if your organization is ranked as a BOLD award recipient.
What is BOLD?
The Best Organizations for Leadership Development (BOLD) award is the culmination of NCHL’s National Healthcare Leadership Survey, which is designed to point all organizations toward practices that are firmly grounded in sound scientific principles and the best available evidence for effectiveness and to recognize high-performing organizations.

Additional Resources
Learn more: For more information on the National Healthcare Leadership Survey and how your organization can participate, please visit our Research page now.
Watch: In January 2022 NCHL hosted an informational session on BOLD. If you missed it and want to learn more check it out here.
Connect: If you have any questions, want to update your primary contact information, or would like to be removed from this outreach list, please reach out to us directly at